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Max Parasol

Max Parasol

Attorney @ Gosai Law


Max Parasol is a RMIT Blockchain Innovation Hub researcher. He has worked as a lawyer, in private equity and was part of an early-stage crypto start up that was overly ambitious.

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Communicating DeSci with the scientific community: I pitched a DeSci project to Australia’s national science body and got a surprisingly warm reception

Scientists understand DeSci’s mission, or rather the innate problems with scientific research are clear. But even with PhD’s in chemistry and biology- they don’t understand blockchain. This is the challenge of DeSci’s mission. Why blockchain? This presentation is based on my experiences of how scientists and commercialisation specialists view crypto and DeSci and how I messaged my ideas during a CSIRO incubator program. I was the first crypto and DeSci idea to pass through Australia’s national science body's (CSIRO) science commercialisation program in June 2023. Format 1. My story 10mins 2. Q&A and free discussion 10mins Proposed Duration 20mins My Role as Facilitator ● Host the presentation and discussion