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Sci-Comms Working Group Lead @ Researchhub Foundation


Sci-Comms Working Group Lead at ResearchHub Foundation.

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The Theory of Peer-to-Peer Scientific Publishing

Tired of the conferences where the sessions are basically mini advertisements? Although the application of blockchain to scientific publishing seems obvious to most people familiar with the matter, the problem still remains open. There is no bitcoin whitepaper for scientific publishing yet. No theoretical paper that a scientist could read and, on rational grounds, be convinced of the decentralized consensus algorithm for their own discipline, let alone all of science. There are ideas and partial solutions; however, the overarching solution is missing. Hence, it is too early to advertise a product when the problem has not been solved yet. The Bitcoin white paper was built on ideas from Hash Cash, B-Money, and time stamping and brought them all together in the right form for the first peer-to-peer electronic currency. I propose that we use this unconference session to debate and discuss what the essentials are for blockchain publishing and what the major problems that need solving are. Together, we can think about the design of a blockchain scientific consensus algorithm. As a goal to guide our session, I propose that we define three essential properties of a blockchain for scientific publishing. Come to the session if you are curious about this problem or have ideas to solve it. Even better if you think you have already solved it. Let’s debate! By the way, needless to say, I will also give a short introduction in the begining and then guide the debate. Format: open-mic discussion Proposed Duration: 45-60min (depending on the size of the crowd) My role as facilitator: Set the stage, mediate the debate, participate with my own ideas. Participant role(s): Share their ideas. Criticize other ideas.